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Strategia cercetătorului
Alexandru Dan Corlan,
Revista de Politica Ştiinţei şi Scientometrie 2(2):140-145, 2013
From daily choices, such as tool selection, to once in
a lifetime decisions such as opting for a career in research or for
a particular field, there is a broad range of alternatives that
scientists must consider at all times. Any other investment in
research is a co-investment into projects of some scietists. The
decisions are relevant both for themselves and for anybody
else. Wrong choices result in a waste of resources and opportunities
for everyone. We review and classify the diverse literature that
deals with the researchers’ personal strategies. We attempt a
classification of scientist motivations. We also introduce the
concept of “research subsystem” as any social structure resulting
from the interraction between the scientists’ options and strategies
of other research stakeholders. Examples are the various kinds of
institutes, networks of institutes, universities, funding
mechanisms, projects, publication and patenting practices and
institutions and online research communities. Identification,
characterisation and understanding of these subsystems is an
important part of a scientist’s strategy. Mirroring this,
understanding individual scientist’s strategies and motivations is
an important part of the design and continuous adaptation of tools,
structures and institutions by the other investors in research.
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